YouTube Launches Updated Editing UI to Help Creators Move into Shorts, New Analytics Features – Social Media Today

YouTube’s rolling out an update to its Studio Editor trim feature, which will make it easier to cut segments from your longer uploads into shorter clips.

YouTube New Cut tool

As you can see in this image, YouTube’s adding a ‘New Cut’ section which will enable more fine grain time editing, while also making its editing features more easy to find in the YouTube Studio app.

YouTube’s also updated the presentation of the Cut process, with the edges of the trim and cut features now displayed in alternate colors, making them easier to delineate, while the UI is also wider, giving you more capacity to hone in on specific sections and elements.

Which could be crucially important, given the rise of short-form video, both in the app and more broadly. YouTube says that 1.5 billion people now engage with Shorts clips every month, and as such, providing the capacity for more creators to tap into this, by taking cuts from their longer clips, could be a great way to encourage participation, and expand creator reach within the app.

The updated editing process will be available to all creators within Studio Desktop by the end of this week.

In other YouTube news, it’s also adding more data on Community Post activity in Studio Analytics, with insights on exactly how many subscribers they’ve gained from their non-video updates.

YouTube community posts

That could provide another strategic planning point for your efforts, with Community Posts offering another, more social media-like way to stay in touch with your audience. YouTube’s also currently testing disappearing Community Posts as another engagement option.  

Community Posts are currently available to all YouTube channels with over 500 subscribers.

YouTube’s also launched an updated video copyright details page, which provides a full overview of claims and other actions impacting your videos.

YouTube copyright details

Finally, YouTube has also added more detail about video remixes in YouTube Analytics, with remix views data showing their top 15 mobile and top 50 web remixes.

These are smaller tweaks to YouTube’s tracking and analytics tools, but they could have a significant impact on your efforts, depending on how you use elements like Community Posts to build your audience.

Though the advanced editing tool is likely the most valuable. Again, with Shorts views booming, you can bet that more YouTube creators will be looking to tap in, and with simplified tools to create short clips from their longer uploads, that’s an easy, pain-free way to broaden your YouTube content horizons.  

from Video Editing – My Blog

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